Sunday, April 6, 2008

xde ape2..

Hee.. aii readers.( ade je :P)... "takde ape2" yang nak di share through my blog. busan kan. haha.My mood rite now..I could not describe it. Its flat. i think.. looking through my window, its already maghrib. Got to solat jap lg. And my tummy.. hurts.. (lapar).. =P..kat tv dayah skrg ade cite soccer kids. kinda lawak lak tgk dak2 kecik ni.. yang x terpilih nangis2...what a kid. haha..(evil lak rase)...ignore that.. ...Dah lama tak layan Nakashima mika .. and today layan lagu sedap lak.. "yuki no hana", "mienai hoshi", "find a way"...berdesing2 kat telinga. hehehe...

Well just terpikir pasal kehidupan yang indah ni.. byk lg benda2 yang kat luar sane yang tak di explore lagi.. do i have the time? Or chance? untuk melangkah jauh dari sini... Izin Dia, i know..Rite now, I'm kinda miss my parents. Diorg baru je pulang dari UK. And i heard a lot of gifts awaiting me kat umah.. Hahahaha.. yeah. but actually not the gifts that caught my attention.. but my family. haha. well.. 2 jam je dari sni nak balik umah.. next week balik la kot. heee.

Ape lagi.. erm. Gosh.. memg flat la feeling ni..Just 10 minutes ago, before viewing my own blog, tgk cite "How I met Your Mother"..lawax.. (applause to cik yun for introducing me to this series)... Boring2 kat hostel just layan d series pon dah terhibur.. Hahahaha.. -_-

Lupe lak.. Applause to both my friends, Pak Lah and Keram. Thanx for temani me during this weeken.. haha td pon kuar g mkn PIZZA HUT biase.. kat (elephant stone) *batu gajah*... and the menu .. were the same. (of coz la kalu pegi PIZZA HUT makan pizza...obvious) .. but the previous day lagi best. We went to "Rusnah Tom Yam" * kalu tak silap la..*..the dishes that we had were SIAKAP 3 RASE, TOMYAM CAMPUR, TELUR DADAR, and KAILAN IKAN MASIN.. pergh.. sedap seyh~ hehehe although satu kepale is rm 10, but its worth..Pak Lah said
"Dinner2 cam ni .. selalunye ngan parents or family.. skrg ngan member2 pon kinda best gak" *lebih kurang ayat cam tu ..* so from my own opinion, we will have this DINNER again.. nanti2. hehehe. COOL~ Although plan nak pg Cameron tak menjadi. dinner and makan2 with this two ensem man *ceeh* kinda best. Thanx.And most of this weeken pon.. byk gune time nak wat keje..

Talking about "KEJE".. F#!K ..gile banyak project yang nak kene siap..*erkk*..and got only a month (sepanjang APRIL ni) nak siapkan "KEJE" ni.. I've listed all the projects and ade la dalam 4projects need to be with presentation :

SM , IB , KMD , FYP1.

Really stress rite now. *yeay..finally i know what my mood is*.. well. life is life rite. Need to settle all this things dulu then relax...

Well that's it.. I miss my parents, got awesome dinner with my two dudes and need to finish up the projects!

To the readers : I Love You.!
I got something to share.. =P

From left : Cik yun, Dayah, Pak Lah & Keram

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