Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Macam2 EMO ada..

*What i'm trying to share here is nothing.. just a small point of view.*

Okay. "EMO"..atau "EMOTIONAL".. or we can call it in Bahasa Kasar as "EMO-SIAL" adalah satu feeling or thoughts yang terpendam dlm lubuk hati.. from my observation selama stay kat Uni, ade la few EMO di detect and actually kinda know la how people..NOWADAYS express their anger and sadness + loneliness..

This term of EMO actually nak show to people or share diorg nye EMO to others through status. Status2 yang dimaksudkn adalah cam kat YM,GTALK, SKYPE and etc. So be aware la.. Bace status dulu sblum tegur.. But instead of tegur n tak di layan, lebih baik just bg time and space to that EMO person. Tak susah pon.

This term lak... for those yang kalau EMO je trus share or express kat FORUM (mane2 virtual community group). Well for this type of EMO, selalunye kat FORUM akan ade ramai yang concern. Mostly the readers. And through this gak all the EMO inside the author kuar.. (sampai ade yang kutuk2..pergh).. from my point of view. Be PROFESSIONAL. Tak yah kutuk. just ckp ape yang kat dlm hati and the words used inside forum kenalah yg baik2..

Aha.. kalau yang ni pulak.. EMO kat belakang2 je.. cam backstage la.. kire this EMO person.. just surrounding dia sahaje yang tau.. Maybe parents, siblings.. bestfriends.. BF, GF and sape2 je la.. Kire orang lain yang tak brape rapat ngan dia takkan tahu die ni EMO.. (kire act cool la kat dpn org lain ..iskh3) atau this person nye problem. So.. backstage nye emo kdg2 tak bagus .. sebb org tak tau.. kan..

Ade yang EMO diam je... Tak tau ape punca and reason this person EMO.. membuatkan kadang2 org sekeliling PELIK .. This type la .. slalunye sbb tak nak susahkan member.. atau ade personal problem yang kalau boleh tak nak org tau.. kot..atau maybe ade feeling yang tak best pasal member2 dia.. erm.. but sometimes, diam sahaja ok.. but effect kat surroundings gak la.. (cthnye kawan2 akan naik marah gak. n kecewa ngn sikap EMO tak tau punca) sebb tak tau punca..

pergh.. yang ni dah tahap teruk kot.. sampai tengking2 tarik rambut.. hehehe.. ni kire EMO face to face la.. bg aku... Professional kot.. sebb tak men belakang, tak men diam, tak men forum n tak men status.. Straight to the point... So.. tu la.. byk tul EMO.

hahaha! yang ni paling aku suka.. EMO nye style pakaian.. pergh.. respect the hair style and..no.. wait for it.. the make up.. hahaha. cun2. This type of EMO bukan EMO dalaman.. but luaran.. =P

Well. Seme ni based on my observation la.. Yup. cant deny, as a normal human being.. Aku pon EMO gak kdg2.. hehehe..:P lumrah alam .. But the best thing, try to make your EMO Professional. Means.. RILEKS, RESPON, ENJOY... Life.. bukan lama pun.. Tak elok rosakkn hati awal2.. "sebb mulut badan binasa"..

Tak byk nak ckp. This post hanya la sumting to share n thoughts sahaje. So, mari kita berdansa.. YEEEAY~

*Please. No EMO*

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